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Skynet Updated is an installation that uses LED lights, Kinect sensors, and artificial intelligence. The name is derived from the AI character from the movie “Terminator 4”. Although the original Skynet was planning human annihilation, this updated version will delight users with funny graphics and animations. Equipped with facial recognition, using advanced mood recognition, Skynet will be able to detect students going through difficult times and offer immediate advice or feedback, directly interacting with the student. The engagement will happen in two ways: through a phone app as well as the wall unit with thousands of LED lights able to send visual feedback. Through the app, students will be able to instruct Skynet to project any form: a person, a dog, a cat, or even a landscape. Skynet will detect student proximity through the app and will display a friendly and happy greeting in the preferred form.

Future development for Skynet Updated includes an improved visual screen panel with more realistic 3D animations and customization to make students feel more at home and welcome at Sheridan. The idea is to have more installations around the campus to help students facing social isolation and help them engage with other students through built-in games.

Skynet Updated Installation

Skynet Updated Installation

Skynet Updated Installation


System Map – Skynet Updated Installation

3D Model