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The idea for an International Day of Non-Violence came from a Hindi teacher and was embraced in 2004 by Iranian Nobel laureate, Shirin Ebadi.The idea gradually attracted more interest, and on 15 June 2007, the United Nations General Assembly voted to establish 2 October as the International Day of Non-Violence.


For this gif animation I wanted to connect two different styles: 2D animation and 3D animation to create more visual depth to it. The inspiration behind were old arcade games such as Donkey Kong and Wreck-it Ralph. The animation was supposed to be colorful and show people the most vulnerable to violence – children.



My first idea was to make an animation that will look a little bit like old arcade games such as Donkey Kong. The little character of the boy would be running trying to avoid dangers and obstacles. At this moment I was already thinking about using Cinema 4D to create a background. The big robot would become the protector of the boy and at the same time force changing the whole universe for better.

As I was developing the concept in my head, I realized that the idea I had was a good one, but it would require a lot of work and time – and that I might not be able to do it because of that. So I adjusted it a bit. The scene would be static, with characters moving just a bit, and a robot with a beam of hearts will fly through the scene.

I quickly set up the scene in Cinema 4 D and checked it against the sketch to see if my idea of connecting these two different styles will work.


Cinema 4D is my favorite 3d modeling software. That’s why I wanted to incorporate a 3d model into my Google Doodle projects. In the end, it turned out to be too much time consuming considering the time I had for the project. I had to cut off time spent on animation because I took too much time developing all the assets. For rendering the final image, I used focal settings to create the impression of a miniature model.