by Eva Jaworowski | Oct 13, 2017 | design, Website Design |
STEP 1 – PERSONAS First step in a web site development process is to create Personas. Personas are an essential step because they give a glimpse into the type of users that will access the website. Ideally, Personas should represent real people and I don’t...
by Eva Jaworowski | Oct 5, 2017 | Paintings |
The final project for the painting class in Art Fundamentals was to paint a self-portrait by looking into the mirror and not from the photograph. ...
by Eva Jaworowski | Oct 4, 2017 | design, Sheridan IxD |
How important really is it? Kurt Koffka, the gestalt psychologist summarized it like this: “The whole is other than the sum of the parts.” The gestalt laws are especially important in user interface design because they help to create more...
by Eva Jaworowski | Oct 3, 2017 | Sheridan IxD, Uncategorized |
My research paper for the last term when I was in the art fundies. Enjoy! Is it possible to become happier in 30 days? Eva Jaworowski Abstract The main question of this research paper is if some people are doomed by their life circumstances to live unhappy...
by Eva Jaworowski | Oct 3, 2017 | Sheridan IxD |
Theme for the Game: Imagine you and your friends are stuck at the airport. Your flight is late and you have at least few hours to wait. Your phone and laptop batteries are dead. There’s really nothing you can do to fill up the time, except… coming up with...